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Published On: 18 September 20233.6 min read710 words

Ethical Sourcing

The production of top-tier kanna extracts hinges upon the utilization of superior kanna plants. Our stringent quality criteria for kanna are predicated on a trifecta of factors: genetics, cultivation practices, and ethical considerations.

Our procurement process exclusively involves collaborating with cultivators who prioritize high alkaloid strains of Sceletium Tortuosum (commonly known as Kanna), adhere to sustainable cultivation techniques, and strictly adhere to South Africa’s Bioprospecting Access And Benefit Sharing (BABS) regulations.


Kanna has remained an integral element of Khoisan culture since time immemorial.

In recognition and reverence of the custodians of this traditional knowledge, we have established benefit sharing agreements that allocate 3% of all kanna purchases to support Khoisan communities. These funds are channeled directly into South African schools dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Khoisan culture.


The foundation of all our extracts is rooted in premium nutraceutical grade kanna.

Commercial kanna cultivation is broadly classified into three categories:

Table Grade: This type of kanna is commonly found in the majority of kanna products and dietary supplements. The plants are cultivated in expansive open-air fields using industrial equipment, much akin to conventional crop farming. While table grade kanna is more cost-effective to produce, it typically results in lower-quality plants.

Pharmaceutical Grade: Reserved for medical applications, pharmaceutical grade kanna is grown under tightly controlled conditions within enclosed greenhouses. Every aspect of the environment, growth medium, and inputs is meticulously regulated. Although it is the most expensive to produce, pharmaceutical grade kanna yields the most potent and pure plants.

Nutraceutical Grade: Our focus lies in nutraceutical grade kanna, which is cultivated under natural sunlight and air, sheltered beneath a protective canopy of netting. These plants grow in modified earth substrates and receive attentive care from dedicated “kanna moms” who ensure the success of each growth cycle. Nutraceutical grade kanna produces highly potent plants at a more accessible price point, bridging the gap between quality and affordability.


Our exclusive sourcing criterion involves kanna that is cultivated from seeds.

In contrast to the more common and expedient practice of cloning, which is cheaper and quicker, we opt for the method of growing kanna from seeds. It’s worth noting that cloning, though cost-effective and speedy, frequently yields frail plants with reduced productivity and heightened vulnerability to diseases.

Kanna nurtured from seeds gives rise to sturdier plants with enhanced resilience. These plants demand less water and nutrients while delivering superior yields.


Our sourcing strategy revolves around kanna obtained exclusively from cultivators dedicated to nurturing high alkaloid strains of Sceletium Tortuosum.

In essence, these kanna plants boast remarkable levels of active alkaloids such as mesembrine, mesembrenone, Δ7mesembrenone, and others, all exceeding the 10% threshold. These distinctive Sceletium Tortuosum strains are the outcome of three decades of unwavering dedication to cultivation and meticulous genetic selection.

These plants demonstrate exceptional hardiness and resilience under commercial growth conditions, exhibiting accelerated growth with reduced resource inputs. Their alkaloid content is exponentially higher when juxtaposed with typical cultivars.

While conventional kanna cultivars and wild varieties may contain mesembrine levels up to 1%, our kanna plants surge beyond with alkaloid levels reaching a remarkable 20%.

The production of potent kanna extracts, capable of delivering palpable effects, becomes a reality when one engages with genetics of such exceptional quality.

otent plants at a more accessible price point, bridging the gap between quality and affordability.


Although certified organic kanna remains commercially unavailable, our sourced kanna is cultivated without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or any conventional farming practices that could compromise the purity of our extracts.

Kanna, as a succulent naturally adapted to desert environments, demands significantly fewer resources compared to other conventional crops. This inherent efficiency translates into a substantially reduced carbon footprint.

Throughout every phase of the cultivation process, our growers adhere to stringent protocols aimed at minimizing waste and preserving precious natural resources.


Kanna has remained an integral element of Khoisan culture since time immemorial.

In recognition and reverence of the custodians of this traditional knowledge, we have established benefit sharing agreements that allocate 3% of all kanna purchases to support Khoisan communities. These funds are channeled directly into South African schools dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Khoisan culture.

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