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Published On: 24 April 20243.2 min read577 words

Kanna Extracts vs Kanna Plant

How to understand the difference around kanna and choose the right one for you.

When it comes to Kanna, the choice between high-quality extracts and low-grade dried plant material is often a big question from customers. The difference can significantly impact your experience and the benefits you derive. This choice reflects a broader reality: while two items may seem fundamentally similar, there are reasons why one can cost more if its quality is superior.

Sometimes, the premium version of products cost more for a reason.

Consider the difference between sipping on a glass of Veuve Clicquot champagne versus a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Both are beverages and can fulfill a particular need, but the craftsmanship, ingredients, and aging process set champagne apart, leading to a more refined and enjoyable experience. Similarly, indulging in exquisite caviar compared to ordinary sushi showcases how the quality of ingredients and preparation can elevate a dish from simple to sublime. These comparisons highlight how superior quality can command a higher price due to the enhanced experience and value it provides.

Supercars offer another compelling comparison. While both a supercar and a beaten-up car can get you from point A to point B, the engineering, performance, and design of a supercar elevate the driving experience to a whole new level. Premium Kanna extracts embody this principle of quality and value. Carefully processed to ensure they contain the highest concentration of active compounds, premium extracts offer a more potent and consistent experience compared to low-grade alternatives. While both may seem similar at first glance, the superior quality of premium extracts becomes evident in the purity, effectiveness, and overall experience they provide.

When it comes to Kanna, a clear factor of quality comes from developing customised extract products over simply using the dried plant. As experts in Kanna product design, UltraKanna curates different extracts from the Kanna plant to create specific experiences and desired effects. By working with these pure extracts, they are able to offer consistent, standardised products and deliver specific premium results. UltraKanna takes pride in closely monitoring the percentage of alkaloids, levels of mesembrine, mesembronone, and delta mesembronone in our standardised Kanna extract, working with lab partners to develop products that truly deliver a quality experience to customers.

There are several factors that define UltraKanna as a premium Kanna brand. Since Kanna takes a relatively long time to grow compared to other plant products, and the extraction process is extensive, quality Kanna tends to be a longer process in its product development. A big part of our team lives in South Africa and derives the plant directly from its source. Consideration not only in testing, creating, producing our Kanna products but also transporting and corporate/ecologocial stewardship also has an impact. And Yes, while we would love to reduce our carbon footprint even more, Kanna does need to be grown and harvested in South Africa. The integrity of the alkaloid composition (& therefore the benefits of the Kanna plant) is maintained growing in South Africa over considering greenhousing it in other parts of the world.

The choice between premium Kanna extracts and low-grade dried plant material is not just about price; it’s about the quality of the product and the experience it offers. Just as champagne, caviar, and supercars command a higher price for their superior quality, premium Kanna extracts provide a more refined and effective way to enjoy the benefits of this remarkable plant.
Which one would you choose?

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